The CSR model developed by Solventor got positive feedback

The CSR model developed by Solventor was presented by Martti Kouhi to an international audience of experts earlier this month at the Bahrain International Corporate Social Responsibility conference, and feedback from the audience and the other experts invited to...
It`s not about what you learn. It`s what you use.

It`s not about what you learn. It`s what you use.

”It`s not about what you learn. It`s what you use.” More than 70 Finnish sales and HR professionals participated in a seminar organized by Wiltrain Oy. Senior Vice President David Yesford from Wilson Learning Worldwide was invited to lead the seminar under the title...
Modern Finance Management in the cloud

Modern Finance Management in the cloud

Martti Kouhi from Solventor will be speaking about modern Finance Management in Csolutor’s event Financials from the cloud 15.3. The event is held in Finnish. The event will also feature a presentation on Finnish National Broadcasting Corporation’s (Yle) Finance...

Modern Finance Management in the cloud

Martti Kouhi from Solventor will be speaking about modern Finance Management in Csolutor’s event Financials from the cloud 15.3. The event is held in Finnish. The event will also feature a presentation on Finnish National Broadcasting Corporation’s (Yle)...
Those colour-coded idiots and their social styles

Those colour-coded idiots and their social styles

Lately, Thomas Erikson’s best-selling book (and accompanying industry) called Surrounded By Idiots has been criticized for lack of scientific background and even for having been basically made up. I haven’t read the book. Mainly because when it came out I...